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March 16, 2021 – March 18, 2021

Made possible in part by the Cultural Council of Greater Jacksonville, Florida State Department Division of Cultural Affairs, StageFUND, ruckus, and with generous support from the Florida Theatre, JDT presents its 8th annual repertory concert.

The show will highlight the range of athletic, entertaining, and eclectic works the company is known for, including a new commission by Dance Magazine’s 25 to watch, Pioneer Winter. 

The new work investigating climate change by JDT’s creative director and co-founder Tiffany S. Santeiro, The Flowers Are Burning, will show on the Florida Theatre stage for this concert. The work is timely and moving, using dancers to show the distress of the natural disasters associated with man-made climate changes, and how that affects our local community.

JDT will honor Tiffany Santeiro (co-founder and creative director) in this annual concert as it will be her final performance with JDT. She will soon relocate to North Carolina with her family.

“We consider ourselves incredibly lucky to have been able to start a company headed by such powerful and dynamic women.” says Executive Director Katie McCaughan, “Tiffany will be incredibly missed, both in the dance studio and beyond.” 

Santeiro will perform the compelling solo, Three tasks for 5 minutes each, once a day, 25 days, to close the concert choreographed by artistic director, Rebecca R. Levy. 

Click HERE for tickets.