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November 2, 2024
8:00 PM – 10:00 PM

Florida Theatre

128 East Forsyth Street
Jacksonville, Florida 32202

A remnant of something that is disappearing or no longer exists. A small part or evidence of something that was once much larger or more significant. Past traditions, stories, or cultural heritage that are being preserved and expressed through modern dance.

In this show, we will feature choreographic works inspired by historical figures from the American modern dance lineage. The program includes commissions from distinguished choreographers Louis Kavouras, a former dancer with the Erick Hawkins Company and head of the Hawkins archive, and Susan Dodge, a former performer with the Paul Taylor Dance Company. JDT presents an evening of work that pays tribute to the visionary contributions of these influential figures in modern dance.

Associated with the performance will be outreach and education opportunities for Jacksonville community members.

Purchase tickets here.